Friday, February 11, 2011

3 Sure Win done by a Successful Blogger~

.: What does it take to be a Successful Blogger? Lots of eye-catching images? Flashy and "interactive" blog? Lots of online polls and widgets??   :-?

Each time we write our articles, design our blog, thinks about our next project, keep in mind to always focus ourselves for this 3 sure blogger wins:
  • Unique content.
  • SEO. 
  • Customer/User perception. 

Win No. #1: Unique content. Contents so unique they even recognize you instantly!
Until now I used to disagree whatever I learn. I need evidences, I need statistics. After experimenting with my personal blogspot, I finally agree that, Content is the King! Huahahaha~~ X-D

In order to make our business blogspot a successful one, we need to be different. The internet itself is filled with millions and zillions of business blogspot, so if ours look similar like others, we won't go far. We won't even profit! That's why we need to be different.

How different is different? We differ by being unique. We can write unique articles even it is all about the same thing. We can give unique reviews about the same product. We can make unique video about that same particular idea. We can make everything unique just by doing it differently~

The simplest win for a unique content? Make or create a theme!   ;-)

Win No. #2: SEO. You play it right, you get it all. Do it wrong, gotta say goodbye~ X-O
SEO is a statistic game, and SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. Why say it was a statistic game? Hurmmm...

Some of experienced internet marketer out there says that we shouldn't focus too much on SEO, but I rather say we must tackle SEO by hook or by book. No crooked crooks please. Why? This is 2010! There is no such thing as the world without search engine. It's not a big deal who is the internet giant (izzit?), but search engine has bared it all the way since internet was a little cute baby. So, in order to become successful, SEO is a must!

The simplest win for SEO? S-tart E-nticing O-thers~~   :-P

Win No. #3: Customer / User perception. Sometimes customer is always right...
Yes, we can "control" our future and current customers. But finally they are the one who will judge our "control" is profitable or not. So, sometimes, our customer is always right.

Whatever we do, like writing unique content, playing with our SEO, or whatever causes that me and you have in mind, customer perception is always our top priority. Plain and boring content is like shoo-ing our customer away, too much SEO makes them think that our blog is for robots. Balance between this two, and we'll get our customer perception right.

Another important thing about our customer perception is, again, whatever we do, we must put ourselves in their shoes. If our products is too pricey, nobody gonna buy it. If our product is low in quality, haha, we're doom for sure. Who in the world likes to buy low quality product? (Wonder girls) N.o.b.o.d.y. nobody but you, yeah, nobody will.

Ahaa, another one. Business blogspot that too shiny with fluorescent color all over the place, or too many widget that makes it loads very very slow mo, or complicated layout that scares people, even the cat feels dizzy too. Things like this is what our customer percepts offensive. In terms of designing, we must eat, sleep and thinks in the shoe of our customer. Always.

The simplest win for our customer perception? Look at it (our work) again and again and again, today, tomorrow, or every 5 minutes. Or asks your friends to evaluate for you~   :-)

That is our 3 sure wins to become a Successful Blogger. Do it all three, don't left any behind. Then we all on the same path on having a sure successful blog~~   :-)

See what I see?

image credits:

aiemm: "Positive, Progressive, Productive. Eh?"

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