If you don't have anything nice to say, just don't say anything at all~
Don Gabor, Words that win.
Whoaaaa.. Intro with poetry~~ :-P
If you know the importance of link building, this post should be an eye-opener, or maybe just another different idea of SEO in action~
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CommentLuv Network. |
A note for first-timers:
CommentLuv is quite a useful plugin that you may install in your WordPress or your Blogger blog. It still use the same commenting system, but now this new comment can pull the latest blog post/feed from their commentator.
A note for not-so-firsties:
CommentLuv has "moved" to another new site. If you use CommentLuv.com before, now you can go to ComLuv.com to enjoy the same CommentLuv system. Their old site still exists, and has already "stripped down to it's bare essentials".
A note to everybody else?:
- CommentLuv works best as our indirect promotion about our latest blog post. Like the 'News feed' widget, when other people read any blogs with our CommentLuv enabled, they will know about our newest written post. This, can increase our blog reader and our presence on the Net.
- But for blog owner, the disadvantages of using CommentLuv in your blog is, your reader can go away from your blog. Which sometimes is not a very good thing to happen today. But why worry? Our blog is our blog. They will definitely come again because our blog satisfies their hungry of information, right? ;-)
- One really good advantage about CommentLuv is, it attracts our readers from resisting to write their comments in our blog. From one CommentLuv, now it spread to another one, then another one, then another... Whoa...
Then, How can we add CommentLuv to our blog?
- Sign up first at IntenseDebate.
- After done with registration, log into our account.
- Visit their plugins and activate~~
Maybe after watching this video will help us how to do it correctly~
Add CommentLuv to Blogger on Basic Blog Tips
It has more than my 3 steps? I need to learn that. Now our free CommentLuv has finally activated. We can enjoy more comments and commenting activity in our blog~
For further reading:
- IntenseDebate : Give a little luv to your comments with the IntenseDebate CommentLuv Plugin
- BlogsWithWings : CommentLuv | What It Is, What It Does And Where To Get It.
- BasicBlogTips : How To Install CommentLuv on Blogger
- EternalBlackZero : How To Install CommentLuv On Your Blogspot Blog.
aiemm: "Is it a real fact that natural comments is one of criteria for SEO?"
I've never heard of CommentLuv until your posting here. I've used similar comment SEO Services before, but I look forward to trying this one out. Thanks for the great article!