Friday, February 11, 2011

Reliability: Is Blogger Blogspot a good option?

.: I Love BloggerBuster! In fact, the first free template I've used for my first Blogger templates is made by Amanda Kay (formerly known as Amanda Fazani), a professional Blogger and web designer who maintains BloggerBuster. We're not learning about BloggerBuster right now, just that I want to share about an e-mail sent by her (that I read) today~

"Royal Pindom has declared Blogger as the most reliable blogging services on the web~"
December 17th, 2010.

What it meant by the most reliable?
  • All of us loves to blog, either for business of just being personal. 
  • We love to write articles, and we expect that our published article will always be there whenever or wherever we or our audience read them. 
  • So, we need to use blogging services that is Always able to keep our published post available at all time, at any places on earth. 
  • And that's what we meant by the most reliable (blogging services). 

So, that's why I love to use Blogger as our business blogspot~~ (even though Mr G is quite troublesome at a certain point...). Read more on how Royal Pingdom do their reliability test and because reliability is a nightmare to bloggers like us, be the first to know when our site (or our blog) is down for free~
Via BloggerBuster.

aiemm: "Uptime and downtime analysis~ I never use that before.. Website analysis? Yes."


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