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The 'G'. |
.: Google is a search engine where it receive a zillion searches by it's users. And we know that when we type something, we will always find our answers there. But sometimes our search results didn't show us what we're looking for, or worst there is no any search results there. Why? Why typing inside Google return no matched results?
It's because we didn't search it the correct way. Puzzled? Let's take a look at it like this:
- Search engine is made based on mathematical formula with human logic, in other words it's just a machine.
- When we enter our queries into them, this machine searched for it in their enormous internet database and later matched it with "the-most-related-thing-with-90%-accuracy" and then show it as our search results.
- Because it's a machine (that is made by human, and human always make errors), when our searches somehow didn't match with the machine database, so no results is shown.
- But that machine somehow can give us other related results so we won't get upset. This is the case where we get unwanted search results. (Especially when you search using your native language other than English)
- In order to get best result, we need to craft our search techniques so it will always matched the machine database.
From my own experience, there are 3 different searching techniques available:
- Normal search done from Google search page.
- Quick and easy search by using Google explore shortcuts.
- Advanced Google search for finding specific queries.
The first type is the simplest way of doing information searches, just type in the textbox, press Enter and we're done. The second one was the special search shortcut made by Google for us (you can read this in our previous post). And the last one is the advanced search, where our search queries is searched deeeeeep inside the database itself. Haaa... ;-)
This 3 help articles can explain it better:
- Google search basics: Here they explain how to craft our search queries. (Must read and understand!)
- Google search basics (extended): I love this technique. This help me filter my searches into specific results~
- Advanced operators: This article is more about being a Google detective. We may need and use this search techniques later~
Now we know how to always found the correct search results, so we should use it starting today. Or start using it now. Practice with the search basics is good enough, because from there we can get to know and feel how our "future audience" do their searches. Heehee~ ;-)
aiemm: "Note: this searching techniques may or may not be that helpful with our local search..."
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